What Brings you Here Today
Immediately after the beginning of the October 2023 war started by the murderous attack by Hamas which resulted with thousands of Israeli...
What Brings you Here Today
למצוא מקום לנפש כרך ב
Women Sing @ Parkur August 2023
סקירת ספרות - לשמרה
Visiting Naeem Albaida
Being Alone: the Elderly Perspective (Heb)
Cortázar, Kristeva, Subjectivity and the Self (Hebrew)
Seeking Psychic Space book launch 2018 (Hebrew)
I Will Return - Book Launch 2021 (Hebrew)
Freud 165th Birthday at Bar-Ilan University (Hebrew)
The Uncanny Dimensions of Covid-19 (Hebrew)
Vishniac the Lone Photograph (Hebrew)
Talking about my PhD (Hebrew)
Authority in Student Supervision (Hebrew)
Writing and Psychotherapy (Hebrew)
Play in Psychotherapy (Hebrew)
On Writing and Mourning (Hebrew)
Tomorrow I Will Return (Hebrew)
Durrell, Exile and Alexandria (Hebrew)